Homeschool students with learning differences: October conference

by Kathy Kuhl
It’s rare that anyone organizes an event specifically for homeschoolers with students with learning challenges. In Pennsylvania, CHAP is making it happen next month. So, Midatlantic families, don’t miss it.

On October 26, please join me at the Learning Differences and Special Needs Seminar, generously organized by CHAP, Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania. This Saturday-only conference will be held in Mount Joy. That’s midway between Lancaster and Harrisburg, PA.
CHAP has lined up a group of experts, many of whom are also homeschool veterans, on a wide range of learning challenges. I have the privilege of keynoting and giving 4 workshops:
- Raising never-give-up kids (nurturing resilience)
- College-bound, but struggling
- Homeschooling students with ADD/ADHD and other distractible learners
- Homeschooling students with dysgraphia and other writing challenges
But because I’m so impressed with the other speakers and their topics, I wish I could sit in on their workshops! Speaker bios, the schedule, and registration are here. Preregister by September 30 for $34, or pay $39 online by October 19, or cash only at the door. (Preregistering helps the organizers.)
Readers further south should know about the Summit for Teaching Exceptional Children September 28 in Durham NC. I’m not speaking there this year, but three friends of mine are.
Don’t miss these very helpful events. Not only will you learn from these expert speakers, they will encourage you. Just as important, you’ll meet other families homeschooling students with special needs and learning challenges. That can encourage you deeply. I know you are busy, and it’s hard to arrange childcare. But it is worth the effort.
Been to a special needs homeschool conference? (FPEA, ACHE, NCHE, and a few others have organized them.) In the comments below, please tell us how they helped you. Thank you.