Kathy Kuhl

Kathy Kuhl equips and encourages parents to help children with learning challenges. She speaks to and consults with parents internationally, combining a wealth of information and insight with practical suggestions, humor, and personal experience.
After homeschooling a bright, dyslexic, creative, and highly distractible son for grades 4–12, she interviewed 64 families homeschooling students with learning difficulties to write Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner. This handbook helps anyone supporting teens and children with challenges—including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, autism, and giftedness—and others who “learn differently,” whether diagnosed or not.
Kathy gives private consultations in person, by phone, and internationally by email, voice, and video. Whether your child struggles or has given up, now is a great time to homeschool an exceptional child. Homeschooling lets us customize our children’s education, not only to their needs, but also to their strengths and gifts.
Her latest books, Staying Sane as You Homeschool and Encouraging Your Child, are short, practical guides to help parents, children, and teens thrive and enjoy their time together.
Kathy graduated from William and Mary, where she earned teaching certificates in secondary mathematics and English. She homeschooled her son for grades 4 to 12, taught junior high math in public school, taught algebra, composition, and geometry courses for homeschooled teens, and gives seminars for adults.
Kathy belongs to and recommends the following national organizations:
- HSLDA – the Home School Legal Defense Association
- LDA – the Learning Disabilities Association,
- CHADD – Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder.
- ADDA-SR – Attention Deficit Disorders Association – Southern Region.
Kathy Kuhl Our son’s graduation.
Kathy and her husband Fred are members of NewCity Church in Vienna, Virginia. They have two grown children and five grandchildren and live in Herndon, Virginia.
Click here to contact Kathy.
Learn Differently
Whether your children struggle or have given up, whether they are dyslexic, distracted, gifted, learning disabled,all of the above, or just learn differently, Kathy Kuhl offers encouragement and support. Kathy founded LearnDifferently.com to equip parents to teach their children.
- Kathy consults with families who are considering homeschooling, or who need help adapting their homeschool to a child’s learning challenges. She advises on planning, curriculum, support, withdrawal from school, and transition to high school level work, employment, and college. Go to the contact page to request a short questionnaire and to set up an initial consultation.
- Kathy would be happy to speak to your group. She has addressed international conferences on special needs, homeschool conventions across the US, and local support groups of all sizes. She lives near Washington DC. Email her to discuss your needs and terms.
- Need an article for your publication? Kathy writes for a general parent audience, for homeschoolers, and for parents with children with special needs. Send her a brief description of what you need.
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Many links on this site are affiliate links. If you click one and make a purchase, a portion of your purchase supports our work. Learn Differently LLC provides some pro bono consulting each year, and also gives consultations on a sliding scale in cases of financial need. Thank you for your support.
Material Compensation
Kathy receives no compensation for the vast majority of her reviews. When she has received a free sample book or product, she states that in the review. She reserves the right not to review materials she has been given. In reviews she gives her unbiased opinions. She only reviews products and services she believes will be helpful to parents whose children learn differently.