Kathy’s workshop descriptions

Kathy Kuhl’s workshopsHSHSseminar

Kathy speaks at large and small events internationally. Her most popular workshops:

Help Distractible Students Succeed

Is your child’s mind a million miles from your lesson? Learn how to change your homeschool to curb distractibility, help your child improve his or her focusing power, and make your homeschool more friendly to that wandering mind, without building a 3-ring circus. Veteran homeschooler and author Kathy Kuhl also discusses related character issues, and how to teach if you’re distractible.

Maximizing Online Learning for Distractible Students

With online instruction, students with ADHD and their teachers and parents face particular challenges. Learn about accommodations and practices to improve learning and guard mental health, based on special education practices in charter schools and in homeschools. We’ll explore special helps for distractible parents, too.

Raising Never-Give-Up Kids

How do you nurture resilience, so your kids can discipline themselves, not to quit in adversity? How do you encourage them toward a realistic view of themselves, and help them better handle emotions and relationships? Is your child struggling in one or more academic areas? Kathy Kuhl, the author of Encouraging Your Child, shares lessons for everyone, based on her research and experience with homeschooled students with learning problems.

Homeschooling Children with Learning Challenges (or Special Needs)

To homeschool children with learning challenges, you must know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. With homeschool, we can customize education to focus on strengths, build up students in areas of weakness, reduce anxiety, and explore and nurture talents. With encouragement and practical ideas, Kathy Kuhl shares resources to help you begin or improve your homeschool. Whether you are new to homeschooling or not, this will help you help a child with learning problems.

[The above talk can be split in two. If split, they should scheduled in this order:]

  • What Good are Labels? Understanding your Child’s Learning Challenges
    To teach a child who has difficulty learning, you have to learn how they learn, and what makes learning hard. What kinds of help are available? Want to find strengths amidst problems? Do “labels” help? Join author and homeschool veteran Kathy Kuhl  to explore the process and benefits of diagnosing learning problems. Unravel your child’s learning puzzles!
  • Teaching Children with Learning Challenges
    Your child has many needs—how do you decide where to begin and establish clear goals? How will you tell when you’ve reached them? Learn how to work around areas of weakness, how to strengthen them, and how to adapt curriculum. Hear tips on how to keep going, and to help your child keep going.

Other Popular Talks

Helping Children Respond to Others with Special Needs
How do we help our kids respond well when they meet someone with special needs? Biblically, how do we see people with disabilities? Kathy Kuhl helps you lay a strong foundation for relationships based on respect and grace, and provides guidelines, examples, and practical advice.

Staying Sane: Balancing Your Priorities
Is your homeschool in a rut? Getting less done without knowing why? Losing the joy of learning? Veteran homeschooling mom Kathy Kuhl shares common sense Biblical strategies to take care of yourself, be a better teacher, parent, and spouse, and have a happier, healthier family.

College Bound, but Struggling: Tools for Success
Is high school at home only for overachievers? Can you homeschool the teen who has trouble reading, writing, focusing, or organizing, or who has other challenges? When high school becomes challenging, some teens discover they’ve been battling learning disabilities or other challenges. Is college still possible? Is it the best choice? Learn tools for high school, college, and career success from author Kathy Kuhl. Veteran homeschooler Kathy Kuhl discusses teaching high school when the teen cannot learn from a book, as well as teaching life skills, social skills, social life, and resources to prepare your young person for life after graduation. For parents and teens.

When Writing Doesn’t Come Easily
Does your child struggle to write, to form letters or to compose a clear paragraph or essay? Kathy Kuhl homeschooled her dysgraphic son for grades 4-12; later he earned A’s in college screenwriting classes.. Learn causes of writing problems, handwriting tips, and accommodations for handwriting problems. Find out how to develop a good writer, improve spelling and vocabulary, and teach composition more effectively.

The above writing talk can be split into two parts, When Handwriting & Spelling Don’t Come Easily, and When Grammar & Composition Don’t Come Easily.

On Teaching Math More Effectively

When Math Doesn’t Come Easily: Multisensory Approaches that Work
How do you teach math effectively to a child with learning challenges? What if you can’t bear tackling math facts again? How do you move beyond the times tables when your child has not mastered them? What are your options for high school math? Veteran homeschooler and math teacher Kathy Kuhl discusses working with children with difficulties in math, and shares strategies you can incorporate into any math curriculum.

The math talk can be split and expanded many ways, for example:

  • Teaching Arithmetic Effectively
  • When Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Don’t Come Easily
  • Multisensory Methods to teach Algebra and Negative Numbers 

Christian women’s groups and retreats, parents groups

Kathy speaks at women’s retreats and other events for Christian parents. Talks can be written or customized on request. Rates are flexible, based on group size and budget. Reimbursement for travel expenses is usually also expected. Recent topics include:

  • Reasons for Hope
  • Guarding our Hope
  • Helping Children Respond to Others with Special Needs
  • Staying Sane as You Raise Children

Want to know more? Click on “Contact” tab above or the “Got a Question?” bubble below right, to tell Kathy to begin a conversation with her about how she might serve your group. Thank you.