Helping Teens Overcome Learning Challenges
Where to Begin
• See for information on planning, transcripts, resources,
vocations, and more. See HSLDA’s special needs department for a fine newsletter.
• Two Yahoo! Groups: homeschool2college and conservativehs2c. Homeschooling
parents can discuss preparing their students for the transition to college.
Planning and Transcripts
• Campbell, Janice, Transcripts Made Easy. For the bright student, also see Campbell’s Get a
Jump Start on College! Available in paperback or e-books from
• Inexpensive online transcript service,
• Cannon, Inge. Transcript Boot Camp DVD and software.
Teaching Tools and Tips
• Critical Thinking Press has great products to develop higher level thinking skills.
• Dendy, Chris Zeigler, Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, and Executive Function Deficits.
Woodbine House, 2011. Also see Teenagers with ADD: A Parents’ Guide.
• EPSbooks has many great resources.
• Harold Jacobs wrote excellent math books, including Mathematics: A Human Endeavor: A
Book For Those Who Think They Don’t Like the Subject.
• Frode Jensen’s Format Writing. Second edition has examples.
• Levine, Mel, MD. The Memory Factory. Helps students
understand different memory problems and their own strengths and weaknesses.
• Publishers that write high school curricula on lower reading levels: Globe Fearon (division of
Pearson), High Noon, AVCS, Remedia, and Attainment Company.
• Learning Abled Kids recommends online and correspondence programs.
• correspondence courses, with a special needs track.
• Free! What started out as Sal Khan “making a few algebra videos for his
cousins, has grown to over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments
covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history.”
Study/Organization Tools
• Frender, Gloria. Learning to Learn. Nashville, Incentive Publications, 1990.
• Joan L. Green, Assistive technology expert: Visit for resources and tips.
• 6 examples of Assistive technology: SpeakQ Dictation software. Key to Access (portable
MP3 player with voice recorder, holds 32 hours of audio books, text-to-audio software,
talking dictionary, etc.) Google Calendars. a silent visual timer, great for those who don’t notice time passing. Page 2 Homeschooling Struggling Teens Kathy Kuhl
Adapted from Kathy Kuhl’s Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner, © 2009. E-mail
Transition to Work or College
• ADDitude magazine’s website has a section on adults with ADD/LD.
• Brown, Dale S. Learning a Living: A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding a Job for
People with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia. Woodbine
House, 2000. Out of print but available used.
• Ford, Anne with John-Richard Thompson. On Their Own: Creating an Independent Future
for Your Adult Child with Learning Disabilities and ADHD.
• Grandin, Temple, Ph.D., & Kate Duffy. Developing Talents. Autism Asperger Publishing.
• The Learning Disabilities Association of America website has a series of articles on
workplace issues.
• LDonline has useful articles available from their Transition: School to Work page, including
“College or Training Programs: How to Decide,” “Building the Bridge Between Community
College and Work For Students with Learning Disabilities,” and “Transition and SelfAdvocacy.”
• National Resource Center on ADHD, has several articles on “Living with ADHD: Workplace
Issues,” including the military.
Colleges for Struggling Learners
• Landmark College in Vermont (802) 387-6718
• Louisburg College in North Carolina. (919) 497-3236
• As you visit colleges, go to the campus center coordinating services for students with
disabilities and ask (or better, have your teen ask) what services they provide and how to get
them. Off-campus private organizations provide assistance and coaching.
Transition to College
• Attention Deficit Disorder Association. ADD: Transition to College — Passport for Success.
Purchase this video at
• Kravets, M. and I. Wax. The K & W Guide to Colleges for the Learning Disabled.
• Mangrum, Charles T. II, Ed.D., and Stephen S. Strichart, Ph.D., eds. Peterson’s Colleges
with Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorders.
• National Resource Center on ADHD. “Succeeding in College.” What We Know information
sheet series.
• Nadeau, Kathleen G. Survival Guide for College Students with ADHD or LD. Washington,
DC: Magination Press, 2006.
• Quinn, Patricia. ADD and the College Student: A Guide for High School and College
Students with Attention Deficit Disorder.
• Reiff, Henry B., Ph.D. Self-Advocacy Skills for Students with Learning Disabilities. Port
Chester, New York: National Professional Resources, 2007.
© 2011 Kathy Kuhl. For more, see her book, Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner, from and