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Thanks for listening to Kathy Kuhl speak on “Crisis Time Schooling at Home for Students with Disabilities.”

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Check out Kathy’s books

Encouraging Your Child 

Staying Sane as You Homeschool          

Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner – a handbook for anyone helping students overcome learning challenges

More Resources

In the this talk, Kathy recommended several books. Please support Kathy’s work at LearnDifferently.com by using these links. Thank you.

51ij7a7vrflJohn Gottman’s book, Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, helps you train your child to recognize their own emotions and the emotions of others, and to deal with them wisely.

My blog post on choosing curriculum for a child with special needs. 

The best source of curriculum reviews I know is Cathy Duffy and CathyDuffyReviews.com. It is not designed for special needs, but very thorough and helpful.